Robin I. Ellis, Psy.D.


Find yourself again...

Peace is often found after darkness.
Sometimes, all you need is a helping hand.
It's time...

Someone to listen but never judge.
Someone to guide but never demand.
Someone to be there.
Someone to listen but never judge. 
Someone to guide but never demand.
Someone to be there.

New clients, please bring your completed and signed forms to your first session

If you would like Dr. Ellis to be able to consult with another professional (e.g., Psychiatrist, Physician, Teacher, Attorney, etc.) please use the Release Form below, one for each professional.

If you prefer to pay by credit card and would like Dr. Ellis to bill your card automatically, please complete the form below:


Please complete any of the screening tools below that apply to your presenting problem:

For clients coming in for depression:

For clients coming in for anxiety:

For clients coming in for trauma:
